TikTok and e-Enfance launch a cyberbullying awareness campaign with The Source

The Source is very proud to have created and produced, with TikTok and e-Enfance, an awareness campaign about cyberbullying.
By integrating the #3018, the national hotline for digital violence victims, directly into its interface, TikTok is committed to fighting cyberbullying and reaffirms its willingness to help its community prevent it.
In parallel, The Source produced a series of videos (man-on-the-street interviews, roundtables, tutorials on how to report hate content), which were broadcast throughout the month of November on the TikTok app, to collect and relay the testimonies of the community, 3018 responders, as well as creators Edward Sad and Kim Lewin, both of whom have been victims of cyberbullying.
The goal: to report, prevent, and teach the TikTok community how to protect themselves from digital violence.
Together, TikTok, E-enfance and The Source are committed to fighting cyberbullying and protecting young people.
You can discover the videos on TikTok France's account.